ryespy 1.0.0 Ruby gem released

2014-01-26 · Computing

ryespy: Redis Sidekiq/Resque IMAP, FTP, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace Cloud Files listener.


I’m pleased to announce ryespy 1.0.0—the first major release, adding support for Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace Cloud Files, fixing various things, and freezing the Redis key structure. (Thank you, Fog, for making this support so straightforward. :) )


  • first major release; Redis key structure frozen
  • Redis key structure backwards-incompatible with 0.x.x (sorry! :( )
  • start of support for Ruby 2.1.0
  • end of support for Ruby 1.9.2
  • new Amazon S3 listener (--listener amzn-s3)
  • new Google Cloud Storage listener (--listener goog-cs)
  • new Rackspace Cloud Files listener (--listener rax-cf)
  • change of --verbose mode to --debug mode
  • broader error-catching, in case weird things happen when --eternal
  • missing FTP listener (--listener ftp) --ftp-port fix
  • dynamic requiring of listeners (some have their own dependencies)
  • comprehensive README with lots of examples
  • major refactoring and improvement of code throughout
  • a plethora of tests; most of the core is now covered